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现在终于流传到中国了吗,还改版了……   通篇无力吐槽,挑几点来说(只是针对故事,不是针对题主):   你应该马上找块平坦坚硬的地面脸朝上躺下,然后一定要和地面紧贴。
  这时林蚺会靠近你,在你身边游走几分钟,不断的摩擦你,甚至推你,抽你,用舌头舔你我读书少,你不要骗我,真的存在这么逗比的蛇嘛?你会不会憋不住笑出来?   由于你的头部有手臂,肘部撑开,所以大蛇的嘴没那么大,吃不下,于是开始从你的双脚开始吃你   以这蛇的逗比程度,还需要比较头和脚哪个好吞吗,不是应该从腰开始吞吗?蛇无计可施,就会开始吃你   怎么感觉这是蛇落入你的圈套了?   吃到膝盖后适当增加蛇吞食的难度,比如撑开点点大腿,让蛇吞的比较困难你真的确定这不是在跟蛇做游戏吗?   当林蚺吞到你的腰部时候,你要爆发全身的力量迅速弯起膝盖,这样蛇无法迅速吐出你,同时迅猛坐起,向前弯腰,尽量把自己的头靠向膝盖,这样,脆弱的蛇脖子就被你给折断了,蛇就死了高潮部分。
美国原版里可是说要用刀切蛇头的!到咱这儿就变成用腿了!因为是功夫大国人人都是黄飞鸿吗?   一句话破除谣言:绝大多数蛇,进食体积较大的活物的时候,都是先缠死了,从头部开始吞的;一条普通的、正经的蛇,即使吃死掉的大体积动物,也会先缠一缠保证猎物是死的,然后再吞。
  下面是纸上谈兵:   至于被蟒蛇盯上的情况,其实不多,如果不是在被激怒的情况下,蟒蛇一般不攻击双足直立行走的动物。
即使被盯上,普通蟒蛇陆地上的速度约是1.6 km/h(Anaconda Snake),也就是差不多0.44 m/s,比我每天慢跑的速度都慢很多。
  最后,这个原版的美国谣言,据说是来自于美国政府和平队的官方手册(US Government Peace Corps Manual),但是至今,没有人找到任何官方来源,附上供大家一笑,尤其是最后两句:   The following is from the US Government Peace Corps Manual for its volunteers who work in the Amazon Jungle. It tells what to do in case you are attacked by an anaconda. Now an anaconda is the largest snake in the world. It is a relative of the boa constrictor, it grows to thirty-five feet in length and weighs between three and four hundred pounds at the maximum. This is what the manual said:   If you are attacked by an anaconda, do not run. The snake is faster than you are.Lie flat on the ground. Put your arms tight against your sides, your legs tight against one another.Tuck your chin in.The snake will come and begin to nudge and climb over your body. Do not panicAfter the snake has examined you, it will begin to swallow you from the feet and - always from the end. Permit the snake to swallow your   feet and ankles. Do not panic.The snake will now begin to suck your legs into its body. You must lie perfectly still. This will take a long time.When the snake has reached your knees slowly and with as little movement as possible, reach down, take your knife and very gently slide it into the side of the snake's mouth between the edge of its mouth and your leg, then suddenly rip upwards, severing the snake's head.Be sure you have your knife.Be sure your knife is sharp.
